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Beverly Williams has helped thousands of photographers become more profitable through her classes which are offered to photographers of all genres.  If you are interested in changing your business to gain more clients and to be more profitable, message Beverly on Facebook and she will help you determine which class is right for you. 


Education is the KEY to success and it can be accomplished in a number of ways - By Attending Conferences, Workshops and Conventions or by Taking Classes On Line in the comfort of your own home, and Avoiding all the Costs of Travel.


If you love being a photographer, but you know you could be making more money and doing better, or even if you're not sure, we can help you.   See Our List of Classes Below and Message Beverly on her personal FB page

with any questions you have. She will be able to ask you a few questions, take a look at your work and can give you an honest opinion to let you know if these classes will benefit you. 


PLUS...Here's the Best News -- Financing is available on all classes

At 6 months with ZERO INTEREST - Most photographers take our 5 core classes and make back their entire investment with only 1-2 sales!

Simple Beach Photo Summer Quotes Instagr



Pre-Recorded Virtual Class

Approx 2-3 hours 

This class is a PRE-REQUISITE to taking the PRICING CLASS

Teacher - Beverly Williams


This is likely the MOST IMPORTANT CLASS you will ever take.

Making Changes To Your Business Is By Far The ONE THING that holds many photographers back and keeps them from being more profitable.  


 If you want to make more money but are scared about raising your prices If you want to make more money but are concerned because you don’t think people will pay more If your area is covered in photographers who are charging very little and are giving a lot and you don’t see how you can charge more and compete...


If you are worried because you think you will lose clients if you change things….. this is the class for you.  

In this class, we will go over the MOST COMMON FEARS experienced by most photographers.  


Many photographers think they probably don’t need this class, but once they take it, they tell me “NOW I totally know why this class had to be taken first. NOW I get it!”  


You will have a questionnaire to fill out prior to the start of the class that will help me better understand your business.  Class will be sent to you and is yours to download and keep forever 


* In all of our classes, Beverly will be available to you via FB chat before and after every class. You will have homework after this class and your pricing will be done by the next day. 



Message Beverly Williams on her personal FB page and let her know you are interested in inquiring about the Class On Conquering Fears.







Pre-Recorded Virtual Class - Can be done on your own time. 

Approximately 2-3 hours

Teacher - Beverly Williams


In This Class You Will Learn...

* Now that you have taken the "Conquer The Fears Class", you are ready for the Pricing Class.  In this class, you will be taught how to easily create pricing for your business that works, that is EASY TO UNDERSTAND  and that helps you make MORE money.

* You'll find out which products sell, and how to price them.    

Where to get the products

* How much you should be able to charge for the products based on your area and your income needs

* You'll learn exactly how to set up your price list and how simple it is for your clients

* Everything is explained in an easy and VERY EASY to understand way.  If you hate math, and are tired of trying to figure out how much to charge, this class is for you!!

* In all of our classes, Beverly will be available to you via FB chat before and after every class. You will have homework after this class and your pricing will be done by the next day. 


You will have a questionnaire to fill out prior to the start of the class that will help me better understand your business.  Class will be sent to you and is yours to download and keep forever.



Message Beverly Williams on her personal FB page and let her know you are interested in inquiring about the Pricing Class.


NOTHING is held back - You get everything you need and your pricing will be completely done the next day. 






Pre-Recorded Virtual Class - Can be done on your own time. 

Approximately 2-3 hours

Teacher - Beverly Williams


Now more than ever, HOW you market your business is KEY.   Most people are not natural marketers. They aren’t sure what to do so they try a little bit of everything. Many find they waste money on taking out Facebook and Instagram Ads that don’t work.

HOW you do your marketing is vitally important to the success of your business. In this class, I teach you what you should be doing and how to do it without spending money on ads.  


In this class, you will learn lots of solid marketing ideas that you can implement right away for your business. We talk about Facebook, Instagram, Instastories, Websites, Blogs, and more things you can & should be doing right now to get your business seen.  


Ninety percent of the photographers I teach are NOT doing most of these things.   Learn how you can market your business successfully without spending a dime & why marketing is something you should be doing consistently. As a business owner, marketing is key staying out in front of potential clients.


Learn how to do it and why it’s so important to running a successful business and how you can do it right from your phone anytime you have a few minutes to spare.


Class Length:  Approx 2.5 hours You will come away with pages full of marketing ideas to help your business right now.    





Pre-Recorded Class - Can be done on your own time. 

Approximately 2-3 hours

Teacher - Beverly Williams


In this class, you will learn step-by-step, how to do In Person Sales either In Person OR Virtually How and Where To Do It, even If You Don’t Have A Studio.  We will find out how easy it is and how you don't need any fancy or expensive software. In fact, this is so easy, it can be done right from a laptop.


This class is on the mechanics of doing an in person sales session.  We will teach you wow to prepare and show the images, how to easily sort them for your clients, we will teach you how many images to show and why.


PLUS....most importantly, we will teach you exactly what to say and how to help your client choose what they want without being pushy or salesy. This is NOT a pricing class. This is a class on the mechanics of doing your ordering session All you need is a computer to do the session with your client. I teach you how and I walk you through the entire ordering process, step by step, from beginning to end.  


You will leave this class knowing EXACTLY what to do.   I do not leave anything out. 


PRE-REQUISITE It is recommended that you take our pricing classes PRIOR to taking this class, as we will be referencing things from the pricing classes that you will not understand if you haven’t taken them.


  MESSAGE Beverly on FACEBOOK to inquire or to Sign Up.  She will help you determine if a In Person Sales will work for your particular situation.  





Pre-Recorded Virtual Class - Can be done on your own time. 

Approximately 2-3 hours

Teacher - Beverly Williams


In this class you will learn how to create a SUPER easy MODEL REP PROGRAM  - One that is Easy to Implement, Easy to manage and requires no tracking or effort.  It will help you gain clients and bring more money into your business.  And the best thing is....Your model reps will not be required to do anything.  Everything is completely optional.  They will be full paying clients and will be helping you build your business without even realizing that they are.


f you think model rep programs don’t work, or if you have done one and thought it was a lot of work, this class is for you!

 If you have never had a model rep program or if you have done one and didn’t think it brought you any business, then you need this class! Model Rep Programs WORK if you do them right, and they can be much easier to do than you think. Nothing has to be hard about a model rep program AND you can make a lot of money from them.


I’ll teach you HOW to make it easy and how your model rep program can totally bring amazing income to your business.


Don’t worry - You don’t have to photograph a big team of people all at once. You don’t have to have meetings at your house.  You don't have to worry about trying to get everyone together and drive yourself nuts over how hard it is to get teens to respond to you about doing model shoots.    None of this matters and we will teach you how to do it with ease and success. 


NOW is the time to begin reaching out to get your program started.  Photographers all around you are already ahead and are booking clients - don't be the photographer who gets left out.   


We will talk about HOW to create a SIMPLE program,  How to get potential clients to book with you, and how to make more money in your business.  We will teach you exactly what to offer and how to get them on board right away so that you can begin bringing in income for your business. 


NOTHING IS HELD BACK - You will come away with a model rep program that works that you can implement right now.   MESSAGE Beverly on FACEBOOK to inquire or to Sign Up.  She will help you determine if a model rep program is right for you. 



© 2024 by  Beverly Williams 

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